Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 Requesting the SEC NOT ALLOW NACS
From: Patricia Morehouse

Jan. 17, 2024


I’m writing to urge you to NOT allow the NYSE to list Natural Asset Companies (NACs) according to SR-NYSE-2003-09.

As an American who worked hard to achieve and maintain a middle class life (and is working to keep it), I find the idea of establishing NACs shockingly unfair and unjust.

The idea of creating a “new class” of company that doesn’t operate under well-established guidelines OR well grounded accounting rules is suspicious and in itself reason to deny this request.

All socio-economic levels, with the exception of the elite class, are struggling to make ends meet. Now we are told “someone” wants to own our very air and water under the guise that it is good for us when, in fact, it is damaging and morally unacceptable.

The goal of NAC proponents is to subvert Congress, and therefore the very people they represent, as well as regulations, taxes and established policy that other companies are required to follow. This does not seem to be consistent with the SEC’s mission to “protect investors; maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets; and facilitate capital formation.”

Please refuse SR-NYSE-2003-09. Thank you for considering my input.

Patricia Morehouse

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