Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 Asking the SEC to NOT ALLOW NAC's
From: Earl Redmer

Jan. 16, 2024

To SEC, 
I was astounded to discover that the founder and CEO of the Intrinsic Exchange Group, Douglas Eger, wants to create a new form of corporation that will seek to use investor money to buy the ability to manage (read control) of both public and private land and natural resources for the purpose of protection, conserving and preserving these natural assets according to however they deem that to be done. They can then become king and landlord to restrict and control farmland, pastures and all public land that farmers, ranchers and miners need in order to produce the raw resources needed to enable our civilization to function. It presents the very real possibility they would be able to stop productive services that produce our food, energy and raw resources necessary to have a functioning society. 

Lastly, the "investors" in this company could be any entity, either domestic or foreign that have deleterious endeavors for our country's well being and survival. It is not a stretch to envision a foreign entity that endeavors to reduce or stop our domestic oil resources to buy up the control of the land or resources needed for the oil companies to conduct their operations. 
I respectfully urge you to not change any rules or make any exceptions to this NAC sneak attack against our country's productive natural resources. It may look fuzzy and nice on the surface, but it will open up a Pandora's box of confusion, inflation and poverty for our nation. Please vote NO to NAC. 
Thank you, 
Earl Redmer