Subject: File NO.SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Brandi Browning

Jan. 16, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

Please do not allow Natural Asset Companies to acquire, buy, confiscate, manage, facilitate, or operate American Land. Doing so is unconstitutional, as it takes away the rights, freedoms, and liberties of American people and animals, as we are intended to grow our food, eat our food, and grow our population/prosper, to leave the earth better than we found it for next generations.

Allowing Natural Asset Companies to acquire, buy, confiscate, manage, facilitate, or operate American land is, and can lead to, absolute tyranny, as this can take all land from American people and animals, thus leading us into famine, starvation, and an end to civilization. Also, we must not allow foreign countries/investors to acquire, buy, confiscate, manage, facilitate, or operate American land, because they will inevitably have their own selfish interests to support their home-country, and not support America, nor American people, nor American animals. This is not racist, rather, this is common sense and common defense.

Please Vote No to Natural Asset Companies acquiring, buying, confiscating, managing, facilitating, and/or operating American land.

Thank You,
Brandi Browning
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