Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Kevin Bennett
From: Kevin Bennett

Jan. 16, 2024

This is a blatant power grab designed to defraud the
economic productive potential of the public. It is a vehicle to foment
and foster a nationwide black market. A move like this will result in
famine, pestilence, economic implosion, and worse. When Stalin
initiated his five year plans, he pulled out collectivized families
with generational history in careful husbandry of the land, and
replaced them with ideologues from Saint Petersburg and Moscow. These
metropolitan persons had no experience with the land or animals,
outside research, likely in the country's best and brightest
universities. But it's one thing to conceive something, hands-on
application of associated epiphanies is another matter entirely.
Famine became widespread across the Soviet Union. Similarly, in the
United States, changing from the gold standard and pinching farmers
with inflation led directly to the dust bowl. Today, government
mismanagement of forests in California yields massive fires that take
out entire towns every year. This happens not owing to global warming
or any environmental complications in any of these cases. Like the
power outage in Texas in 2022's winter, every instance I've
mentioned here is the result of resource mismanagement from people in
power exercising theoretical precepts toward an imagined greater good
that never comes, but in fact is thwarted by their own efforts. You
can't commodify the air. NACs will act as a cancer on the
country, slowly sucking out its vitality until all that remains is the
tumor, and the host has died. Without the host, the tumor will itself
die. You who stand to benefit are the tumor, and you will only sow the
seeds of your own destruction. What does it mean to be a rich Soviet
under Stalin? It means being a marionette under Josef's miniature
hands, and then having a cameo of lux to assuage your shame. When
Stalin died, the rats at the top turned on one another. This plan is
of the same variety. It's designed to transform those of the
bureaucrat class into those of the ruling class; but what is there to
rule in an empire of dirt? Dust devils? You're making laws to
hamstring efficient, professional, skilled workers with generational
understanding of their craft that, in some cases, predates the
country. The result will be incompetent fascist mismanagement, and you
absolutely know it. 25 Attorneys General, half the AGs in the country,
wrote you a letter strongly indicating the absolutely illegal patina
limning this putsch of a power grab. Stop it you Marxist shills.