Subject: FW: Comments re File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 Proposed rule change of Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Comp
From: Rebel Inme

Jan. 12, 2024

In response to: Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock Exchange LLC; Notice of Filing of Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies [Release No. 34-98665; File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09] 
As a US citizen and landowner, 

I strongly oppose the creation of Natural Asset Companies that will be used to sell off, and sell out, America.

The outcomes of this SEC proposal will include the subjugation of the fiduciary duty

to do what is in the best interest of all US citizens rights and freedoms. Critical natural resources will be subject to the consolidation of a handful of wealthy

and powerful individuals. And, even more frightening, control of

productive resources- as well as our food supply, water, energy, tourism

and more- could end up in the hands of foreign nations and their

sovereign wealth funds or other bad actors.

Continue to manage the lands of US citizens which the government has secured for the use of US citizens and cease this obvious government seizure of citizens rights to public lands for political and elite power-driven endeavors;

Do not allow NACs to access our government controled public lands via NYSE listings or


Thank you for your consideration.