Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Troy Sullivan
From: Troy Sullivan
Affiliation: U.S. Citizen

Jan. 15, 2024

NR-NYSE-2023-09 (NAC’s)
This bill is illegal. Public Lands belong to to the legal citizens of
the United States of America. I own private property in the middle of
them within the State of Wyoming. We do not need 
Wall Street Hedge Fund Manager’s or Foreign Enemies of the United
States managing them for profit. If the SEC allows this to happen, it
will not be acting as a regulatory agency, but simply a facilitator
for greedy profiteers who will never set foot on these lands. Do you
not understand these lands are being managed already by professionals
within the Department of Interior? These Wall Street Profiteers know
absolutely nothing about the wilderness areas of the United States.
Please do job you were hired to do. Regulate not facilitate! KEEP