Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 Asking the SEC to NOT ALLOW NACs
From: Anonymous

Jan. 15, 2024

I am concerned about NACs and though I still have a lot to learn, I am sending you this email to request that you NOT ALLOW these NAC'S onto the NYSE. 
There are many reasons, but to summarize just a few concerns. 
1. Allowing these creates an opportunity for people who sit behind desks to make decisions about natural resources for financial purposes, without fully understanding how these natural resources affect our planet. 
We do not want anyone to be able to decide to control a natural resource that will then CAUSE a natural disaster. That may sound a bit crazy, but we dont fully understand all of the parts of nature that our decisions can affect. When we poke into something, we cannot see all of the outcomes. If we could, we would not be considering climate change a problem, but it would have been completely foreseeable and preventable. 
Also, allowing NAC to be on the NYSE leaves them open to being controlled by whomever is the highest bidder, and that could mean America's enemies. We cannot allow our nation's enemies an opportunity to control our own natural resources in any way. We cannot pretend that this outcome would be possible. 

The most effective way to protect our nation from these options is to simply NOT allow the NAC onto the NYSE. 
Thank you for your time. 

Sent from my Galaxy