Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 Asking the SEC to NOT Allow NACs
From: Launa Nielson

Jan. 15, 2024

All involved at the SEC
I am urging the SEC to not allow the NYSE to list “Natural Asset Companies” or NACs, pursuant to File # SR-NYSE-2023-09.
I believe in free markets but believe this proposal will allow some very unethical people and companies the ability to destroy parts of the US markets. I live in a rural area and am horrified at the other countries (unfriendly) and large companies that are buying up our crop land and open space. Having lived abroad for many years, I have seen the damage that can be caused by entities such as these, having access and power in a country that is not their own or an area they don’t care about. 
Proposing to buy up land in an effort to affect the climate or their political agenda is extremely hurtful to young people. They are already having a difficult time finding affordable land and/or housing, often caused by these same people/entities who want this new SEC ruling. What young person can afford to bid head-to-head with a large corporation over a small farm? I have watched many fall victim to these unethical entities and would HOPE the SEC would try to protect American Citizens from these charlatans. This proposed ruling would simply make it easier for those with nefarious goals to accomplish them. 
NAC’s admit they have their own new accounting system because a typical one won’t work for their type of “business”. This should be a huge RED FLAG to anyone who does business and tries to obey the law. I believe the job of the SEC is to protect the American People from unscrupulous players, not enable them. 
This country is a land of opportunity for the poor and middle class when the SEC makes things a level playing field for all – NOT an “Elites only” playing field. Please do the right thing--for all the poor and middle class who can NOT compete with unethical big businesses, unfriendly countries or billionaires (not just the Russian variety), trying to take land from the masses in the USA in an effort to destroy the American Dream-- in an effort to fulfill theirs.

I again ask you to NOT allow the NYSE to list “Natural Asset Companies”.

Thank you for your time and consideration.
Launa Nielson
PO Box 608
Midway, UT 84049