Jan. 15, 2024
Hello I’m encouraging the SEC to NOT allow the NYSE to list NACs (Natural Asset Companies) pursuant to File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09. I’m not an expert investor nor a big CEO but I have common sense and understand finance. These “companies” manipulate everything inherent in the true basis of being on the NYSE to achieve a political agenda. They not only financially a mirage but also unconstitutional. No company owns our natural resources. The planet owns them. This is a travesty and complete anarchy as well as making a joke out of real investing. It’s also impossible to obtain shareholder financial value as if the mission of any public company. I 100% recommend the SEC blocks this bogus manipulation of our system and feeedom. Thank you for your time and consideration. Sincerely S Duarte “There are no solutions; there only trade-offs”..so I did not speak out & then they came for me”