Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Rebecca and Nate Scott

Jan. 15, 2024

I am writing to oppose the creation of Natural Asset Companies. The natural assets that this type of company would have the ability to acquire the management rights for should remain within the management of property owners. These very resources are the source of our energy, food, manufacturing, and livelihoods. The purpose of NAC's is not to use these resources productively, but simply to "conserve" them without putting them into any productive use. This threatens individuals' as well as the nation's ability to use these resources productively in order to provide us with necessary food, water, energy, and minerals. Furthermore, this opens up the opportunity for foreign governments and entities, including enemies of our nation, to buy up the management of these resources and control these vital assets. 

The lands of this nation and the management of the resources of those lands should be left to land owners and localities affected by the use of that land, not to foreign entities and far away investors that hold no direct connection with it. Please protect investors, land owners, and all citizens by not allowing the creation of these types of companies. 

Thank You, 

Rebecca and Nathan Scott