Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Richard Schennberg
From: Richard Schennberg
Affiliation: Associate Broker and Office Manager, Schennberg Realty, LLC

Jan. 14, 2024

I strongly oppose creating a category of companies that
could eventually damage our economy or restrict the rights of other
property owners. It strikes me as part of a fad, excessively
restricting economic activity to not actually solve ecological issues.
The gravest risk is that a seemingly small and short term small cut in
mining, extracting energy, coal, oil, and gas, could precipitate a
downward spiral. Economic cycles will happen no matter what, but if
you put a ceiling against growth, then you can only have stagnation or
decline. This could trigger social disruptions or unrest that could
further damage the economy. The types of economic and social changes
that result may be hard to predict, either unintended, excessive, or
even a contrary reaction in the opposite direction. I believe the best
way to grow energy safely is to encourage engineering, research,
financing, and leadership that make all types of energy more efficient
and cleaner. I feel people also need the maximum local input of energy
types by state and regions, which will be hindered if outside players
come in and restrict local control and financing. Giving an
out-of-state or even foreign corporation or entity any control would
prevent poorer states from developing and would place the United
States involuntarily in a competitive disadvantage. Please scrap this
idea and focus on maintaining energy capacity adequate for the coldest
and hottest day likely based on the full temperature history.
Miscalculating the electricity needed on a very cold winter day could
cause people to experience extreme discomfort or even death.