Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 Asking the SEC to NOT ALLOW NACs
From: Franny Shoultz

Jan. 14, 2024

To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to voice my opinion to the SEC to NOT allow the NYSE to
list ?Natural Asset Companies? or NACs, pursuant to File No.

This sounds like a terrible idea if you believe in the sovereignty of
our nation.
This will open up the door for foreign entities/governments to own our
public lands, exposing us to possible interruptions to our food,
water, mineral and energy supplies.

It appears that the stated purpose in creating these NACs is not to
make a profit or to be productive, but rather to protect, conserve,
restore and preserve these natural ?assets?, based on whatever their
own definitions of those activities are.
They aren?t seeking to manage resources to improve their earnings
potential, rather they would often be seeking to remove the
productivity of assets in the name of some type of climate justice.
Carbon offsets are a fallacy. They do nothing to protect the climate,
only to allow the elites to not feel guilty when flying their planes
around the world.

Do the right thing, and do not allow NACs to access our capital
markets via NYSE listings or otherwise.