Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 // Asking the SEC to NOT ALLOW NACs
From: Jeannine Edwards

Jan. 13, 2024

To Whom It Concerns, 
I am strongly urging the SEC to NOT allow the NYSE to list “Natural Asset Companies” or NACs, pursuant to File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09. 

The continued efforts to financialize productive natural resources to subvert the legal system, to pervert the capital markets, and to cause harmful outcomes for both investors and the US alike cannot be enabled. This is a bastardization of our rule of law. And an egregious concept! 

It is the SEC's job to protect investors. Not to allow unconstitutional, far-reaching and outrageous concepts that have circumvented the law-making process. NACs allow investor money, particularly those deployed through entities that they may not control, such as pension funds, for example, to be used to decommission resources and make them non-productive for political means. Americans and the SEC cannot allow that to happen. 

Please do NOT allow NACs to access our capital markets via NYSE listings or otherwise. 
Thank you, 
Jeannine Edwards