Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Barbara Troeger
From: Barbara Troeger
Affiliation: former accountant

Jan. 13, 2024

Many destructive actions occurring in the US and around
the world have become transparent as blatant harm and theft. The
Natural Asset Companies proposal screams theft, the common law crime
of conversion. The people of the US who are busy with their lives and
families (we now know from a statement in the WHO documents) are
viewed by those doing the harm and theft as being at the level of

This proposal is criminal. Those who wish to take control seek
exploitation and harm of the lands and of the people they are
depriving of the benefits of the land. We are witnessing the
deliberate destruction and gutting of the United States. We must not
allow this principle of private property, basic to human freedom and
dignity, to be violated. Those who are trying to harm us for a price
should answer for attempting to deprive our people of our civil rights
and our natural rights. Completely unacceptable. 

I oppose the creation of Natural Asset Companies that will be used to
sell off, and sell out, America. I do not want our country’s public
lands, waters and even air sold to private interests obliged to
preclude the productive use of such resources to the betterment of our
society and the strengthening of our economy.

I also reject the imposition of unconstitutional restrictions via such
means on individual Americans’ property rights and other freedoms.

My sentiments are further intensified by the prospect that those
private interests may include hostile foreign powers like the Chinese
Communist Party, Russia and Iran who may have their own reasons for
wanting to lock down our hydrocarbon-based fuels, our minerals,
forests, etc.

I urge the Commission to extend the time available for comment on
proposed Rule SR-NYSE-2023-09 or to reject it outright immediately.