Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 Asking the SEC to NOT ALLOW NACs
From: Iris Nihoa

Jan. 13, 2024

To all involved at the SEC:
I am urging the SEC to NOT allow the NYSE to list “Natural Asset Companies” or NACs, pursuant to File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09.
Please DO NOT allow efforts to financialize productive natural resources to subvert the legal system, to pervert the capital markets, and to cause harmful outcomes for both investors and the US alike.
The bad outcomes here will include the subjugation of the fiduciary duty to do what is in the best interest of investors. Critical natural resources will be subject to the consolidation of a handful of wealthy and powerful individuals. And, even more frightening, control of productive resources- as well as our food supply, water, energy, tourism and more- could end up in the hands of foreign nations and their sovereign wealth funds or other bad actors.
Wall Street often cultivates a bad reputation and the SEC is supposed to be a counterbalance to make sure the markets are free and fair for everyone and have the interests of all investors at heart.
Do the right thing and do not allow NACs to access our capital markets via NYSE listings or otherwise.
Thank you for your consideration.

Iris Nihoa