Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Anonymous

Jan. 13, 2024

I would like to take this opportunity to raise opposition against Natural Asset Companies. 

My biggest concern is proper conservation of natural lands and improvement of the environment requires intervention of man. Native Americans know this well as the lands in their control in California do not burn out of control during wildfires. Proper management of forests and grasslands make them more productive in removing carbon from the atmosphere than just leaving them in their "natural" state. This is only one example of this. 

Another concern is foreign groups limiting our access to our own natural resources for their own financial benefit and destroying their own resources in the process. Their pollution and destruction of the environment affects us also. 

Here in the US companies will use this for carbon credits or offsets so they can say they are green as they continue to pollute. 

This is all a bad idea and should not be allowed. 

Nicholas Locicero