Subject: file no SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Kathleen Kenyon

Jan. 13, 2024

To all involved at the SEC: Please do not allow the NYSE to list "Natural Asset Com-panies" or NACS. 
Free markets must not be manipulated to keep the playing field level and fair. You cannot allow efforts to financialize productive natural resources and cause harmful outcomes for people. 
NAC's are a new type of company that requires much scrutiny. They seek to use others money, to buy or manage productive public and private land. Assume to 
protect, restore, or preserve these natural assets. Who are they to decide! 
These companies are not seeking to manage resources to improve earnings but to remove the productivity of assets in the name of climate justice. 
No only could this impact our ability to generate and access energy,mineals, water amd food. It could put those decisions in the hands of institutions, foreign governments who could invest in these. 
This is a political tool to help fundamentally change my country. Critical natural resources will be able to be controlled by a handful of wealthy and powerful people. 
You are supposed to be the counterbalance to make sure markets are free and fair. 
Thank You Kathleen Kenyon Idaho, USA