Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Cheri Steinmetz
From: Cheri Steinmetz
Affiliation: Wyoming State Senate District 3

Jan. 12, 2024

I oppose rule SR-NYSE-2023-09 Standards for Natural Asset
The proposed Rule is outside the jurisdiction and authority of the
Securities and Exchange Commission because they have no authority
granted by Congress 
over private, state or federal land. This new financial mechanism will
harm American Citizens and the economy by preventing mining, logging,
grazing, and other crucial activities. The Rule would take away
private land rights and will enrich Americas enemies allowing them to
control land within the country by creating a new asset class on the
New York Stock Exchange while forcing American Citizens to pay for
foreign resources. Consider this comment an official objection to this
action in my official capacity as a duly elected Wyoming State Senator
serving Senate District 3.