Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09 DO NOT ALLOW NACs
From: David Stalnaker

Jan. 13, 2024

I am a conservationist by upbringing and nature. Allowing Natural Asset Corps to buy up farms and other productive lands would ruin the world, with the USA first. This would ultimately make it impossible to access our own minerals, precious metals, farm animals, etc, which this USA is the cleanest at producing in the world. Foreign nations could continue to buy up our precious farmlands at a higher rate if they have duped investors paying for it for them! This is not "investing", nor is their proposed new accounting system legal according to all existing laws and regulations. 
This is nothing more than a political attempt to circumvent our laws, regulations, and disregard the cost of living impacts on Americans, not to mention the world. Just look at Europe. Their overregulated farming industry needs gov't subsidies to survive. And in some countries like Switzerland, it became too expensive so most farmer sold out and now hte cost of living there for food skyrocketed because they now have to import food! 
More Buffalo roamed our lands not long ago than we have cattle today, and there was no threat of global warming then or now. 
Please vote this down. Thank you for your consideration.