Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Thomas M Outland
From: Thomas M Outland

Jan. 12, 2024

In no way or circumstance should a foreign country,
business nor individual be allowed to own property nor mineral rights
in the USA especially at the detriment of a legal US citizen. This
amounts to the same thing as aiding the enemy in a slow and systematic
take over of this country. The person and or the agency responsible
for these action should be fired and abolished immediately. The only
people that should have a say in our national lands and assets should
be legal tax paying Americans. How are we as nation supposed to teach
our you the difference between right and wrong when our own government
does the wrong thing and claim that it is the right thing to do. In my
humble opinion this is nothing more than an act of treason and should
be treated as such.