Subject: File No. R-NYSE-2023-09
From: Danny Kessel

Jan. 12, 2024

National sovereignty is important for the sake of this generation’s security, as well as all those to come. We must do our duty to protect the rights we have as a nation over our own land and resources. This proposal by the NYSE must not pass. 

The primary issue is that these types of companies will permanently stop economically essential activities like grazing, mineral extraction, modern agriculture, it can severely curtail recreational access, we’re basically talking about the destruction of rural America. 

This is just another financial scam to make people a lot of money… but this one, unlike the scams that cost us, you know, almost our freedom last time in 2008… Let’s say you buy stock in this company, you would be giving the money to buy up the rights to all of the minerals and even the air. And you can’t develop a forest because there’s lots of clear air that’s being generated. 

This is yet another means of attacking farming and agriculture and it’s all being done in the name of fighting the “climate crisis” 

This is the latest scheme by the climate cult and their allies to bypass the legal system in order to push their agenda.

Though the purported goal is to manage resources to improve earnings potential, the result will actually be the removal of productivity of assets.

NACs can be weaponized to help seize the sovereignty of indebted nations. How? Governments will have the ability to sell off the real wealth of their nation, their land, and the rights to their natural resources, to companies for debt relief. Investors in NACs could be foreign countries, Wall Street, or colleges.