Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Peter Arambel
From: Peter Arambel

Jan. 11, 2024

RE: The Security Exchange Commission proposal to list
natural asset companies (NAC) on the New York Stock Exchange.
I am against the listings of NAC’s on the NYSC for the following
1. I am a sheep and cattle rancher (5 generations) that utilizes
Federal land to graze. Our deeded lands hold all our rights –
including water, minerals, and ownership. 
2. Allowing NAC’s to purchase natural assets would destroy our 170
mile long contiguous migratory grazing pattern used by BOTH livestock
and wildlife, because the Federal land we depend on for this grazing
could be bought and/or closed by an NAC. We have made hundreds of
thousands of dollars of water improvements along this route. Are the
NAC’s going to pay us for that? Are they going to maintain them? 
3. The valuation process for the assets is suspect. The way the assets
are valued by the ecological services groups do not consider the full
scope of the asset. By its own admission, the natural asset industry
does not produce or improve anything. The focus is preservation, which
means no use of the asset as opposed to conservation, which maintains
the quality of the resource but can still be productive. IEG’s have
overstated the value of the NAC’s. They stated that the value would
be 5000 trillion dollars, when the total of the world economy is 1540
trillion dollars. Why have they overstated this value?
4. Any investor will be able to own rights not only on private
property but also State and Federal lands, including National Parks.
Foreign entities can buy our natural resources, close them off to
development and force the United States to buy from a foreign entity,
causing inflation and foreign dependence. The distribution of
essential commodities can be withheld from Americans at the will of
foreign entities. This is tyranny. 
5. The rule allows for the purchase of existing conservation easements
and natural resources on any land that has taken government payments
or has a split estate designation. This will stop any rational
landowner from utilizing Federal funding to enhance their property.
The NRCS/FSA has been responsible for many years in accomplishing what
the NAC claims they will do. 
6. Gaining clear title to lands being purchased by the NAC’s will be
a massive undertaking. It will overwhelm local assessors and disrupt
regular business transactions by overwhelming the system. 
7. If this is allowed, it will cause the largest transfer of land
ownership and wealth in the history of the United States. This will
challenge basic property rights which are the foundation of the
American Republic. It will consolidate too much power and wealth in
too few hands.
Peter Arambel – Arambel Ranches, Rock Springs, Wyoming