Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09 Public Comment Opposing Rule Approving Listing of "Natural Asset Companies" on NYSE
From: Susan Tabler

Jan. 11, 2024

Dear Secretary Countryman,

I oppose the proposed rules which would allow the listing of “natural asset companies” on the NYSE. The proposed rules would
present disastrous consequences for property owners and businesses.

I agree with the statements in opposition to the proposed rules submitted by Wyoming Secretary of State, Chuck Gray, and 
reiterate his statements here.

The SEC’s unprecedented proposed rulemaking incentivizes both the woke ESG agenda and corporate abuses by foreign actors
through creation of a federal scheme designed to benefit “natural asset companies” through a problematic framework allowing investors to hold 
ownership rights and “management authority" over arbitrarily values “natural processes”, such as minerals, water, and even
air across private and public land for the sole purpose of blocking any sort of use or development. Make no mistake: the proposed
rules are nothing more than a radical environmentalist attempt to cripple core industries of states in an effort to further the 
Biden Administration’s radical 30x30 land grab agenda. Further, there appears to be no ban an foreign investment in natural
asset companies, meaning foreign adversaries may be able to own shares in these companies, and exert their management
authority to prevent core industries from being developed. In a time of destabilizing geopolitical relations, this type of policy
is disastrous for our national security interests.

The proposed rule is yet another diabolical scheme to prevent citizens from being able to reach our full potential and to turn
our abundant natural resources against us, all at the whims of the Biden Administration’s radical ESG agenda. 

I strongly oppose the proposed rules, and demand their immediate withdrawal.

Susan Tabler