Subject: 34-98665
From: Chrystine Steenland

Jan. 11, 2024

As a Citizen of this Constitutional Republic we were endowed with unalienable rights which no man can take away. The lands that were set aside under Federal Protection to be utilized by the Citizens of this Nation. 
They were to be preserved and maintained for our quiet enjoyment, to be utilized as needed, and protected and preserved for future generations to continue to utilize and enjoy as their sovereign inheritance and endowment and to continue to preserve our National Treasure. To enjoy as they may, or use as needs be, with the government having minimal oversight . The government's involve mostly to the extent of ensuring equal and fair access for the people of America. 
This sudden idea to create a new category of stock -NAC (Natural Asset Company) in the exchange solely to exploit anticipated trading of Land that no one has any right to touch let alone take away whatsoeverl. You want to quantify and monetize and extract all possible financial value from our Federal Lands and National Treasures, is the most outrageous, blatant Land Grab scheme ever to appear in our country's history. The idea that you ever would attempt to take Lands that belong solely to the Sovereign Citizens of this Constitutional Republic of America is so treasonous . 

The NAC would be illegally operating by its own definition as it says it obtains the license from rights granted to it by a natural asset owner. Well Joe Biden is not the natural Asset Owner of our Federal Lands. They are owned by We The People - Who will NEVER grant the rights of our Lands to any stock exchange to sell . 
I write this to you in opposition of this attempted political takeover and land grab that is entirely illegal in nature. 

And our government is one whose power is derived from the Citizens of our Constitutional Republic- By the People, Of The People, For The People. 


“Any official, appointed or elected, at any level of government, who attempts, through legislative act or other means, to nullify, evade, or avoid the provisions of the first ten amendments to this Constitution, or of the Thirteenth Amendment, shall be summarily removed from office, and, upon conviction, deprived of all pay and benefits including pension, and sentenced to imprisonment for life. 

A NAC operates by obtaining a license that grants it ecological performance rights*** for a designated geographic area. These rights are granted to a NAC from a natural asset owner as provided through a license agreement. 

Chrystine Steenland