Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Diana Stover
From: Diana Stover

Jan. 11, 2024

America is not for sale. The SEC and the NYSE in collusion
with the Bureau of Land Management want to repurpose millions of acres
of public land that is currently used for growing food, grazing
cattle, mining, camping, fishing, and hiking. 

This is a shady deal using a change in SEC rules to sidestep Congress
and create Natural Asset Companies which would ultimately give Wall
Street and government bureaucrats at the Bureau of Land Management,
unfettered control of who owns and determines usage of public lands.
The BLM has also proposed the “Conservation and Landscape Health”
regulation which would allow it to benefit financially by selling
conservation leases to foreign and domestic buyers through the Natural
Asset Companies.

The assertion that it is to protect the land is ludicrous, this is
about money, more than $100 trillion per year and control of land

The initial short public comment period reflects the effort to keep
this deception hidden from the public.

Please vote no on this deceitful and diabolical scam.