Subject: SR-NYSE–2023–09
From: jane smith

Jan. 11, 2024

Washington State has an abundance of natural resources and is deeply committed to the protection of its ecosystem services. 
Pierce County, part of the Puget Sound region, includes Mount Rainier National Park, which has 9 major rivers that drain water from the mountain’s slopes and is host to over 2 million visitors yearly. 
The Councilmembers of the Pierce County Council in Districts 1, 2 and 3 were recently informed of the proposed rule authorizing the listing of “Natural Asset Companies” as an investment vehicle. We are deeply concerned that the consequences of such a listing will drastically impact our ability to fund critical services and grow the local economy.
Our council districts, citizens, depend on our natural resources for successful agricultural, tourism, forestry and manufacturing industries for improving our quality of life. Our state and its citizens are the best experts to properly manage and care for its natural resources, NOT forgien investors, companies or even private individuals whom have no knowledge of nor care for our lives here.
Thank you for extending the date to submit comments regarding Natural Asset Companies. The SEC should not be entertaining the NYSE’s Proposed Rule. 
Our districts are unified when it comes to maintaining local control of its lands. 
Please reject the NYSE’s proposal. 

Thank you, J. Smith

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