Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Nathan Ashcraft
From: Nathan Ashcraft

Jan. 8, 2024


I am very opposed to the recent proposal of placing Federal lands in
the hands of publicly traded portfolios. I can not see any good that
would come of this. What I do see is enemies of our country taking
over our Federal lands when they are the property of all U S citizens
not just a few rich people who can buy the portfolios that the lands
would be placed in. There is no grave concern about the environment,
the whole 30 x 30 plan is a ruse to further exploit and put our nation
in financial jeopardy by current leaders who despise our country and
are willing to give away our wealth as we have recently seen where
billions are shipped to Ukraine but nothing is given for our own
borders security. So NO we should not be placing our lands in your
proposal to further erode our liberties or lands !