Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09 Comment in Opposition
From: Katherine Rueckert

Jan. 8, 2024

I stand in opposition of the proposed rule change SR-NYSE-2023-09 which allows Natural Asset Companies to be listed as publicly-traded investments on the New York Stock Exchange. Please, don't give foreign entities & the corrupt elite control over our natural resources in the name of conservation - it's simply an additional revenue scheme. 

I live in Jackson, which is located in Teton County, Wyoming. 97% of the land is unavailable for private use/control since it is controlled by national & state park systems (Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Bridger-Teton National Forest... etc.). Through conservation easements and other avenues, they continue to encroach on our limited 3% of private land availability in Teton County... don't let this situation become a reality across the nation - where mega-corporations and foreign entities make bank off our natural resources. 

Katherine Rueckert 
Jackson, Wyoming 
United States of America