Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from May Thatcher
From: May Thatcher
Affiliation: NA

Jan. 7, 2024

If it had not been for our Congress Women Harriet Hageman
of Wyoming, I would not have been made aware of this "Land
Grab" scheme, and the behind the door attempt to destroy our
country from within! NAC's pose an existential threat to American
property rights and national security. If authorized, environmental
activists and foreign governments will be able to purchase
"rights" to private and public lands (including our national
parks and other federal property across Wyoming) to prevent any
mining, grazing, logging, or other economic development on those
lands. Wyoming's communities will suffer as large swaths of our
lands will sit dormant, pulling money out of our economy and placing
it into the pockets of foreign entities. Please do not vote for this
treasonous ruling.