Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Paul Smith

Dec. 30, 2023

Dear Vanessa Countryman,

As a disabled veteran, I want to emphasize the utmost importance of National Parks in my life, as they are a critical component of my mental health regimen, closely coordinated with my VA mental health treatment providers. It is with this strong personal conviction that I vehemently oppose the creation of Natural Asset Companies (NACs) and adamantly resist the idea of public land being transformed into these entities.

My concerns run deep, especially in relation to the potential privatization of our National Parks. If public lands, currently managed by the federal government of the United States, were to be controlled by private interests, it would have a devastating impact on my ability to access and derive solace from these natural sanctuaries that are integral to my well-being.

The economic significance of outdoor recreation is not to be underestimated, with the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reporting a staggering $821 billion in economic activity generated by this industry nationwide in 2021. The establishment of NACs has the potential to place unwarranted restrictions on users, which could have detrimental effects on local economies, robbing them of essential income. Allowing a handful of corporations to profit from public lands would be catastrophic for our nation and an affront to the principle that public lands should serve the public rather than corporate interests.

Given the monumental social and economic ramifications of NACs, their creation through an SEC rule-making process raises red flags regarding potential violations of the Major Questions Doctrine. Such significant policy changes should rest solely within the purview of Congress.

Furthermore, I firmly believe that there has not been sufficient scrutiny regarding the possibility of foreign adversaries exploiting NACs to undermine our national security, seize control of our lands and resources, and inflict harm upon our local communities.

In closing, I implore you to take into account the profound impact that NACs could have on disabled veterans like me who rely on National Parks for our mental well-being. Please, safeguard our National Parks from the clutches of Wall Street.

Paul Smith