Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Lygma Johnson
From: Lygma Johnson

Dec. 24, 2023

To whom it may concern,

I strongly oppose the NYSE's proposal to list Natural Asset
Companies (NACs). This proposal is a threat to the public, the planet,
and the markets.

NACs are entities that would own and manage nature. They would:

- **Hide and lie**: NACs would not disclose or report their financial,
environmental, and social impacts. They would also manipulate the
value and measurement of their natural assets.
- **Steal and sell**: NACs would take over natural resources from the
public and local communities. They would treat nature as a commodity,
not as a common good.
- **Distract and divert**: NACs would pretend to solve the climate and
biodiversity crises, while ignoring the real causes and solutions.
They would also take away capital and resources from existing and
effective conservation and restoration efforts.

I urge the SEC to reject the NYSE';s proposal and to protect the
public, the planet, and the markets from the perils and pitfalls of


Lygma Johnson