Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Brenda Bonebrake
From: Brenda Bonebrake

Dec. 24, 2023

Re: SR-NYSE-2023-09 I am completely and unequivocally
against this proposed rule change. Working as a broker in a
national/international real estate company for over 35 years, I know
first-hand that private property rights are the very foundation to our
freedom & our own republic. The founders intended it that way
because they understood this fundamental principle. This has been
proven true historically time after time. To be able to sell the
country’s - the people’s land, and the use of it, is more than
just a slippery slope. Once you control the land, you control the
There is no quicker way to the destruction of our resources than to
turn them over to entities who don’t understand the first thing
about stewardship and the hard work & care it takes to manage and
preserve them. Private citizens and farmers have an intrinsic desire
and mandate to protect & preserve the lands they live on, and have
done it for generations. 
What a dangerous proposal that would result in the destruction of many
Not everything should have a price tag and be sold for profit - and
our freedom is at the top of that list. 
Do NOT go down this road - it changes the very foundation of America
and would truly destroy the privilege and god-given beauty of living