Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Troy
From: Troy

Dec. 24, 2023

I've just been reading about the above file and the
desire of the SEC to allow a new category of product on the stock
exchange - natural asset companies, whereby a company such as
Intrinsic Exchange Group would regulate, buy, sell, and manage natural
assets such as air and public and private land. The core issue is that
natural asset companies would use their money to control or manage
productive public and private land and other natural resources, with
the stated purpose to protect, conserve, restore, and preserve natural
assets, NOT to make a product, be productive, or a profit, which is
what businesses are supposed to do. Such NACs are ideologically driven
and thus a form of control that bypasses Congress and other regulatory
agencies. Wealth and power, foreign and domestic, would then rule our
country, not unlike the feudal system of Europe. American citizens
would lose their representative form of government. 

I saw that IEG's chairman and CEO, Douglas Eger, said the group
had invented a new type of accounting called "Statements of
Ecological Performance," which account for the flow of ecosystem
services in financial terms. Such an accounting system has not even
been tested or evaluated, which should be reason enough for rejecting
this application for NACs. 

The fact that the SEC has chosen to use a 20 day window of public
comment -DURING THE HOLIDAY SEASON at the end of the year, does not
demonstrate a sincere interest in raising public awareness.