Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from John R McLaughlin
From: John R McLaughlin

Dec. 24, 2023

I strongly oppose the creation of Natural Asset Companies
(NACs) . This is a direct threat to our nations security by allowing
outside nations to invest, and or/ buy up our public land and access
to resources. This threatens our ability to use our own Countries
natural resources as it will lock up vast expanses of land and force
it to remain fallow. This should require a vote of "We the
People"; it is a public private partnership without the vote of
the people. This is clearly back door policy making that should not
happen. Public lands should not be sold off. This will lock up needed
lands for grazing, planting, water, minerals, oil and any other
necessary resources and activities. Again I strongly oppose the
adoption of Natural Asset Companies (NACs).