Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Chase Leibenguth
From: Chase Leibenguth

Dec. 24, 2023

Natural Asset Companies sound like an indirect way to
institute "the King's Forest" but this time under the
guise of private capital

I do not think this is the appropriate way of managing land assets and
I think it will have a massively deleterious effect on the price of
land and the ability of freedom of movement within the united states
--- specifically if it is FROM cities to rural areas and possibly even
from one rural area to another. Further, it will hinder suburb
development where most single family homes (aka the American Dream)
are located by creating a massive valuation on land. 

By enabling the richest in America the ability to commodify the land
in this way it will actually FURTHER enrich the 1% (or even 0.1%) at
the expense of the 99% -- not just America's middle class but at
the expense of everyone but the ultra wealthy. 

It is antithetical to American way of life that so much power should
be in the hands of so few.