Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from John
From: John

Dec. 23, 2023

Neither the Commodities Board nor the SEC have the right
to create ownership or derivative value of the United States natural
assets, be they geologic or otherwise intrinsic to the land and people
of which the USA consists. SR-NYSE-2023-09 is to be thoroughly
rejected lest the entirety of the USA becomes collateral owned
eventually by those who wish us harm. This country was founded by
people getting away from a monarchy which owned everything -
let's not act as if the CB and SEC now stand in for monarchy.

Regarding proposed NACs - I am in my seventies and have seen subtle
changes over time in how our federal government has gone from 3 equal
branches to one where an administrative state, controlled sometimes by
the executive, determine policy for our lives. The policies of this
administrative state are issued with the full weight of the government
as if issued by congress, this without a single vote of my
representatives in congress. This proposal concerning the creation of
these NACs seems anything but what should be taking place in a
representative government, but something out of a totalitarian
nightmare which I would hope most Americans would totally reject. I
would ask that you decline this flawed proposal that would only
contribute to the demise of the nation as we know it.