Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Thomas Cullum

Dec. 14, 2023

Dear Vanessa Countryman,

I do not support the creation of Natural Asset Companies (NAC's). I oppose the securitizing of public land  into NACs. I am especially concerned that this proposal could result in privatization of our National Parks. If public lands managed by the federal government of the United States were controlled by private interests,  my interest in accessing and enjoying public lands will be adversely affected.

How dare you think it’s remotely okay to allow monetary gain from natural assets, to support the same actions that the natural parks were CREATED to stop? this is completely ridiculous and will lead to countless ecological disasters, extinct species, dying ecosystems and more. RECONSIDER! the american people DO NOT WANT THIS! Using our national parks to make a quick buck for the government is evil and our country’s natural beauty will be destroyed.

Please don't sell our National Parks to Wall Street!

Thomas Cullum
117 27th Ave SE  Minneapolis, MN 55414-4410