Subject: sr-nyse-2023-09
From: Alan Boyles

Dec. 14, 2023

I strongly urge the rejection of this rule change on many grounds 

1. The constitution would allow this to be law 
2. NO private company should in any way be able to assert any kind of control over any land that it does not own or have authority over with the consent of the owner, whether private or public 
3. This would allow corporations ( potentially even our foreign enemies) to control the economy and impact our national defense using public property, that we all own as US citizens. This is a direct threat to the American people and would not be applauded by them; once this scheme becomes known. As a partial owner of public lands, I specifically vote against this rule change. Citizens have the right to vote, corporations do not. 
4. It is your responsibility and Duty to protect Americans from this very type of scheme, so we expect this to be thrown out with the trash, as it should have never even been brought to the table, especially with a shortened comment period. How did that happen? 

Alan Boyles