Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Patrick Hogan

Dec. 14, 2023

To whom it may concern: 

I believe this proposal is nothing more than an attempt to legislate environmental policy outside the control of the usual systems of government and provide plausible deniability when the public notices how problematic it will be once the goals of these "companies" come to fruition. This would not create a for-profit or non-profit company in the traditional sense. This reads to me as some weird conglomerate of a wish-list of large corporations and what government agencies would like to do if it weren't for the constitution. I oppose this with no equivocation and implore you to stop heading this direction. 

I have contacted my congressional representatives regarding this with the expectation that they will look into this matter as well. 

At the very least the SEC should extend the comment period and make this proposal more known to the public as well as give a list of pros/cons as to why this makes sense at all.