Subject: SR-NYSE-2023-09: Webform Comments from Amanda Olson
From: Amanda Olson
Affiliation: concerned citzen

Dec. 13, 2023

I am writing this comment to express my deep concerns
about the authorization of Natural Asset Companies (NAC). These NACs
would provide a dangerous avenue for outside entities to dictate
and/or hinder or stop any activities concerning natural resources.
Agricultural and mining operations are dependent on access to natural
resources on public and private land, These lands are managed by the
owners and U.S. land management agencies whose purpose is to represent
multi-use interests of American citizens. NACs would allow outside
interests (i.e. foreign entities) to 'own' and dictate
nonphysical actions, greatly impacting the development and use of our
natural resources. The stated goals of NACs goes against the
principles of proper natural resource management and would devastate
the livelihoods of many in Western United States who rely on the use
of natural resources on public and private lands, such as ranchers,
foresters, and miners. The management of these resources should be
determined by those nearest the resources, not far off entities.
Please do NOT authorize these NACs. It is a very bad idea.