Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Brad Grady

No to Natural Asset Companies (NAC). No one person/entity has rights to the natural resources, especially those on Wall Street to get rich on. Natural resources are a gift that God has given to all people on earth, but not to own! These NAC’s are just based on financial greed to take more money away from those that work and grow essentials that we, as a people, live on. This is just another situation that the government wants to control us and take every last penny that people in agriculture makes. Farmers and ranchers have much bliss in their soil and all the government can say is that they are degrading the soil? Spend a month in the soil actually digging and providing for your family and millions of other families and you’ll get the point I am making and every farmer and rancher will make! I am not a rancher or farmer but know people who are but you cannot reinvent or change from seed to fork based solely on greed! With all this being said above, I want to reiterate my OPPOSITION to both domestic and especially foreign interests in controlling land and natural resources!