Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: janet burgoon

I urge the SEC to prohibit the NYSE from listing “Natural Asset Companies” or NACs, pursuant to File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09. I believe in capitalism and the free market. The Nature Asset Company (NAC) is a manipulation and perversion of these systems. NACs are a clear attempt by the NYSE and IEG along with financial and global elites to monetize productive natural resources to further their social and political agenda while subverting our legislative and legal systems. The NAC would allow private and corporate entities to manage the use of both private and public lands and resources as they see fit based on their stated goal to protect, conserve, restore and preserve natural assets; terms they themselves will define. NACs could prevent the productive use of the land, which would hurt the landowners financially, but also reduce the supply of minerals, food, and other goods that come from the land. NACs would allow both domestic and foreign investors permitting China, Russia, Iran, etc. to invest in NACs to gain control and management over U.S. natural resources. Private investors would have the power to dictate how U.S. resources are used and in doing so could freely manipulate markets such as energy and agriculture. Allowing foreign actors to manage U.S. resources is clearly a national security issue. NACs would undermine property rights, place landowners financially at risk and endanger our national security. I urge the SEC again to prohibit the NYSE from listing Nature Asset Companies. Thank you.