Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Jan Alexander

Natural Asset Companies Dear Sir: Natural Asset Companies: SR-NYSE-09 From: Jan Alexander, miner, member of Baker County Natural Resources Committee, Minerals Policy Director Eastern Oregon Mining Association Please accept my comments on Natural Asset Companies. I am opposed to this proposal which is under consideration by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), a proposal which would allow for the creation and listing of a new type of company called a Natural Asset Company (NAC) on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE.) This proposal is completely flawed. As a direct result of the Biden administration’s 30x30 agenda, this proposal is designed to help bring an additional 30% of our land under complete government control. The creation of these NACs would be a direct threat to energy, mining, and agricultural production on lands across America. Nationalization of our lands will solve nothing. We already have a situation where excessive government regulation adversely affects production of minerals and agricultural products. Inviting the world’s richest people, including other countries such as China and Russia, to have easier access to owning and controlling more of our resources, is a very bad plan. There was much opposition to Biden’s “Conservation Rule” where BLM proposed awarding administration of public lands and curtailing economic development on those lands (logging, mining, grazing) to the highest bidder. In the end, BLM did not receive funding to implement this project. The same thing must happen to the Natural Asset Company idea. Corporate control of our Federal and private lands for non-productive purposes will not only raise the cost of producing minerals and food, but it will also limit our ability to supply and utilize our natural resources for American citizens. Please drop this plan. It is not good for America. Jan Alexander 541-446-3413 .