Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Matt Higgins

I oppose the creation of Natural Asset Companies that will be used to sell off, and sell out, America. I do not want our country’s public lands, waters and even air sold to private interests obliged to preclude the productive use of such resources to the betterment of our society and the strengthening of our economy. I also reject the imposition of unconstitutional restrictions via such means on individual Americans’ property rights and other freedoms. 1. Performance based on a Non Accounting System hatched by the UN SEEA EA is not True Accounting. Where is the evidence that this is a useable system of Accounting? 2." Replenishing resources is being sough"t how is that an emergency? 3. How do we know this will not cause "any material adverse effect" like starvation or creating fuel shortages that could kill poor people? 4, There is evidence that the NYSE has a financial conflict of interest as well as the US Government which is illegal. 5. Forming this company is against our God given rights and our Constitution. Prove it isn't now or in court. My sentiments are further intensified by the prospect that those private interests may include hostile foreign powers like the Chinese Communist Party, Russia and Iran who may have their own reasons for wanting to lock down our hydrocarbon-based fuels, our minerals, forests, etc. I urge the Commission to extend the time available for comment on proposed Rule SR-NYSE-2023-09 or to reject it outright immediately.