Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Kate Potter

I echo others' comments in this forum turging that the Federal Government and the SEC NOT move forward or approve any rule or legislation that would legalize foreign actors owning or having rights to any of the United States Natural Resources. The natural resources of this country are owned by the citizens and should remain part of the natural inheritance. They are rights our children and grandchildren can enjoy and benefit from. The United States has a diverse and bountiful geography with many natural resources in abundance, from our air,water, and minerals to other valuable commodities such as oil, gas, metals and crops, American citizens are the ones that should be utilizing these Natural Assets, not corporate actors trading peoples futures on the stock exchange.. I urge you to say no to Natural Asset Companies (Corporations).. Our Federal, State and Private lands need to stay strictly under the control of the people of the United States. Please do not traffic our natural resources to the highest bidder to profit only a few. This would be highly irregular and should require much scrutiny. Thank you for your consideration. Kate Potter, Owner/Manager Sun Dappled Farms