Members of the SEC, There is no Congressional or constitutional basis that authorizes the implementation of the program noted below, nor has any been cited by our Administration. Nevertheless, you continue to take aggressive action, using federal dollars and regulatory powers to force this agenda on the American people. Set forth in section 216 of your Executive Order 14008 (“Order”) entitled “Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad” (86 Fed. Reg. 7,619 (Feb. 1, 2021)), the 30x30 initiative launched the largest unauthorized federal land grab our nation has ever faced. Section 216 seeks to alter the management, use, ownership, and regulatory restrictions of at least 30 percent of lands and waters across the United States, an astounding 680 million acres. According to the Department of Interior’s Fact Sheet released the same day as your Executive Order, 12 percent of America’s land is already considered permanently protected. These areas include primarily Wilderness Areas, National and State Parks, National Monuments, and private lands with conservation easements in perpetuity. These are not lands the American people have full use of to produce our nation’s food, fiber, minerals or energy. The majority of these lands are being mismanaged by the federal bureaucracy, causing extreme wildfire events that take lives and property, and require enormous taxpayer investments to restore. Ignoring these failures, blaming climate change, and launching a national conservation goal that would add another 400 million acres to this mismanagement crisis is unacceptable. To date, the Administration has failed to be transparent with the American people about this agenda: 1. Failed to define publicly what is meant by “conservation,” the very act you claim is necessary to avoid a climate crisis. 2. Failed to disclose what level of restrictions and regulatory controls will be required for lands and waters to be considered protected. 3. Failed to consider the devastating economic and environmental harm this program will cause the American people, while restricting our ability to grow our nation’s food and supply our energy needs. The National Environmental Policy Act requires you to robustly analyze and disclose to the public the impacts of this program prior to taking any action implementing the initiative. Nevertheless, the Administration has been using an all-encompassing federal government approach, utilizing every tool in the toolbox, to move 30 percent of our nation's lands and private property, into permanently protected status, without first complying with this environmental law. America’s landowners, the people whose lands you are targeting through this program and whose rights you seek to diminish, oppose and reject your 30x30 land grab and demand you cease and desist all activities implementing this agenda. America was founded on the constitutional principle that American citizens should own and control the land and natural resources of this nation for the purpose of retaining control of their representative government and protecting the individual liberties of every American. The 30x30 initiative is not about conservation. It is about circumventing the American people and the rule of law in order to transfer control of American’s private property rights to environmental elites and the administrative state. We call on you to immediately rescind section 216 of Executive Order 14008. Sincerely, Judy Quye