Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Joseph Woyte

Dear Sir / Ma’am: I adamantly oppose the new SEC rule change to create a new asset class that would be listed on the NYSE and publicly traded under file Number SR_NYSE-2023-09, Release Number 34-98665. The natural resources of the United States, which keep our families alive, are not for sale. We the people have inherent rights to these resources and they should be kept in the public domain, not controlled by a few multinational corporations and oligarchs. The new SEC ruling would create the following: - A virtual monopoly by a few corporations which gives them the ability to gain control of our water rights, private lands, farmland, agricultural lands, grazing lands, public lands, mineral rights, water rights, air rights and all other national resources in the United States by a relatively few corporate entities. - A National Security Threat to the United States by creating a loophole where foreign adversaries, terrorist groups and enemies of the United States of America can purchase controlling interest in NYSE companies and thereby gain complete control over local waterways, water rights, land and mineral rights. - A National Security Threat by allowing complete control over local farms, agricultural lands, communities and other disenfranchised communities through the ownership of the United States natural resources including water rights. Water that disenfranchised communities have had taken away from them in the past and used to control indigenous peoples. Water that every American needs to grow food and to provide life itself to their families. Families, landowners, indigenous populations, communities, and cities would be at the mercy of publicly traded companies for their water, air and land use. This cannot happen. Do not create this new NYSE asset class. Sincerely, Joseph Woyte, MBA U.S. Air Force Academy class of 1996