Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Madeline Rundus

I oppose the subjugation and management of our Constitutionally protected rights and freedoms, specifically property rights, to foreign powers. By extension, foreign nationals should not own land in the United States. I oppose relinquishing power to leaders or stakeholders, not elected nor accountable to “we the people” and whose ideologies derive from degrowth and distributist models based on Marxist theories. Their aim is to discourage population growth and private property ownership, Their goal is a one world government with them at the helm. Sovereign nations are anathema to them. I oppose the creation of these Natural Asset Companies whose purpose is to manage and control US land, water, and air resources in perpetuity in conjunction with UN agenda 30 by 30. The idea for Natural Asset Companies derives from the government program of Conservation Easements, used as a device by the Land Trust and sold to private landowners. Conservation Easements have been used for years by the Land Trust, to convince landowners to place property into a state where the land will never be developed. The Land Trust owns the development rights from the day of the contract and the property owner is restricted to the baseline use on that signing date. I am concerned that the Land Trust can enroll the Conservation Easement, which they now own, in a Natural Asset Company without the owners permission, and the Land Trust will reap the profits. I oppose the SEC permitting the listing of this new investment vehicle on the New York Stock Exchange. An investment group would file to list the Natural Asset Company and the NAC would raise money from global investors, including sovereign wealth funds, even from nations hostile to the US. I absolutely oppose the rule in Exhibit 3 which clearly states that National Parks can be enrolled in the NACs, with management authority over the assets. I oppose the Bureau of Land Management’s proposed new rule prioritizing conservation over multiple uses of the land. Their created Conservation Leases, on lands currently used for grazing, mining, oil and gas, will only permit sustainable activities and can be enrolled in a National Asset Company. Productive use would be foreclosed in perpetuity. How will the NACs make money.The NAC identifies Federal land rich in resources and applies for a Conservation Lease, which would take precedence over economic activities. The Bureau of Land Management approves the lease, and all non sustainable activity ceases. The NAC has management authority, and will squeeze all the productive industries out and force them to sell their assets to the NAC. Once in control of all the assets, the NAC could start drilling and mining, in violation of the sustainabity requirement. The consequence would appear to be delisting from the NYSE. Once delisted, all bets are off in terms of restrictions. It seems a process whereby a hostile foreign investor could end up controlling American assets I oppose the use of the United Nations proposed System of Environmental Economic Accounting (SEEA) displacing Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The latter measures cash flows to describe net present value. The SEEA measures the value of blocking others from utilizing lands for maximum economic benefit. It is counter intuitive to assign value to non production and flies in the face of logic. To summarize the globalist aims as I can best interpret from their stated goals: 1. Encumber both Public and Private land using various devices, such as Conservation Easements, to gain management control for sustainability. 2. Enroll the encumbered lands in Natural Asset Companies (NACs). The NACs will apply for Conservation Leases. Only sustainable and replenishable activities will be allowed, in perpetuity, therefore no mining, no drilling, grazing. Farming may continue with organic fertilizer but no traditional machinery is allowed. Outdoor recreation will be limited to low impact activities such as hiking. 3. Foreign wealth funds can invest in the NACs which will be listed and traded on the New York Stock Exchange. 4. A NAC could purchase a Conservaton Lease of resource rich Federal Lands to manage for sustainability. The NAC would eliminate all economic activity, causing a sale of the property to the NAC. The NAC could proceed to mine and drill extracting the resources which would cause a delisting from the NYSE. On a grand scale the US would lose ownership of lands and resources, possibly to foreign investors. 5. The endgame is for stakeholders, foreign and domestic, to control our natural resources, and for a world government of uneleected, unaccountable, “elites” to control us all. This proposal is complicated and evolving. It will radically change the idea of property rights and property use in the United States. It will affect all of us in ways not even comtemplated or understood. It should be presented to the public at large, fully explained and debated. In our country power derives from the people. It is not imposed by schemes hatched by a few to enrich and empower themselves.