Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Ryan Kuhns

I am OPPOSED to the adoption of listing "Natural Asset Companies" on the stock exchange. Continued grazing use of public lands is critical to the continued functioning of the livestock industry, as it plays a role in maintaining sustainable ecosytems. Management of federally-owned lands should only rest with federal land management agency, as delegated by Congress, and that land should continue to be managed for a variety of multiple uses, as delineated under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act and the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act. It is important that federal lands are not “preserved” from use but are actively managed to promote the vitality of those lands. Environmental services provided by ranching operations include open spaces, wildlife habitat, clean air, clean water, and fire and weed control and are a tremendous benefit to the public, as well as ranching industry. I ask that "Natural Asset Companies" not be listed on the exchange.