Subject: File No. SR-NYSE-2023-09
From: Rebekah Harey

Natural Asset Companies are a land grab, ”they claim they are chartered to protect, restore, and grow the natural assets under their management to foster healthy ecosystems.” The following is from a video on the IEC website. “NAC’s will be corporations that hold the rights to ecosystem services produced by natural or working landscapes. These rights will be licensed from sovereign nations, private landowners or companies with significant property holdings… will allow institutional and retail investors to express their environmental protection investment of scale and spur the capital formation for the preservation and transformation of natural and working landscapes.” A major important factor that was left out of all of this is American citizens are left out of this process. Rights to our lands should not be licensed to any company, corporation or to retail investors. These new NAC’s claim they will protect investment and grow capital. My question is who is going to manage and regulate all of this and how can we trust that it will be done in a manner that is agreeable and relevant to American citizens. The majority of the land that will be affected will be in the northwest region of the US, affecting 600 million acres of land. This is unacceptable, for example in Wyoming a state known as “land of many uses”, for grazing cattle, coal mining, operating natural gas and oil plants which are already under attack with the RMP BLM plan. Areas like this would be locked up and unusable for the residents that live there. Licensing these rights from sovereign nations, set up to purchase the rights to natural assets of a monument, or park lands with a conservation easement on them would be devastating, ensuring these natural assets would never be developed, mining, gas and oil exploration, grazing, and recreation would not be allowed. NAC’s are not provided for in NYSE’s rules. United Nations metrics would be used in this process, giving foreign entities rule in America. This is illegal, and extremely destructive to our land. I demand as an American citizen that the SEC be defunded and have no ability to move forward with this. This would create “forced”, “engineered scarcity” because of illegal regulation and environmental protections prohibiting the use and responsible development of the land. It is not natural that ecosystems be bought, sold and traded on the NYSE. This is theft of the American citizens pure and simple.